1. 5. 2024
Akce a výstavy

Armed forces sniper shooting competition

Have you ever wondered what it's like for a sniper to lie down and wait for his target? And when the target is already in the viewfinder, how is the preparation before actually pressing the trigger? Last week we were lucky enough to have a so-called "peek under the hood" at the armed forces sniper shooting competition. 

The forecast predicts rain, and in several places of the republic, snowfall. I have no idea what the range looks like or how the competition itself will go. On Wednesday, April 24, at 5:40 in the morning, I get into my car and leave. I arrive at the shooting range before seven o'clock in the morning, and shortly after me the organizers and other participants of the competition begin to arrive. It's cloudy, the wind is cold, but it's not raining yet and I hope it won't be.

A table with samples is prepared for the entire duration of the competition and you can check mounts, rails and suppressors of our production. We are happy that even among professionals, where great emphasis is placed on the materials used, precision and durability, we reap success and can chat together, gain new knowledge and experience, which we can draw on in the production of new products.

Only 38 of the originally reported 40 shooters arrive in the end. Unfortunately, one of the Slovak Police teams could not join and had to fulfill other duties. Various departments of the Czech and Slovak Republics are represented here, and a veteran from the Vietnam War has been with us as a guest of honor every year since 1997. Before the start of the competition, there is still enough time to get to know each other, share experiences, etc. There is a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Around 9:00 a.m. there is boarding, awards for previous achievements and exemplary service are handed out, teams are divided, organizers are introduced and the rules of each station are explained. There will be four teams of two shooters at each station. In one of the disciplines, cooperation and communication in the team will also be evaluated.

It starts with the first shot at 50 meters and is more about aiming and adjusting the weapon than the first discipline to be evaluated. Everyone gradually takes turns at the station and the sharp shooting can begin. 

The first and at the same time the easiest station of the day (for experienced professionals) is prone shooting at targets at a distance of 150-300 meters. Every hit off the center of the target means lost points, which can play a big role later.

The second exercise is more complex and is based on communication and team cooperation. The referee distributes a list of targets, and in a given time interval, targets are gradually raised at distances of 150-300 meters. There are 3 people on each target, including one policeman. After the target is lifted, it is up to the spotter to assess the situation, determine the distance and correct target to be hit, and relay the information to the shooter, who adjusts the weapon and fires at the target.

It is interesting to watch the greater or lesser interplay in the team. Nobody underestimates the preparation before shooting, they focus on the target. Cold weather prevails, which affects physical and mental fatigue as well as results.

For the next exercise, we move to the adjacent building, where there is a 50-meter shooting range, and where three interesting exercises await us. The first of these is toothpick shooting at a distance of 25 meters from the firing line. It probably won't surprise you that the toothpicks are almost invisible to the eye, but that's why we're at sniper competition. The second exercise, no less tricky, consists of shooting a cartridge at 50 meters. Anything short of an accurate shot counts as a failure. The third and for me the most interesting exercise named "village". There is a wire stretched across the village model with a light bulb at the end, and the task is clear: you get plus points if the light bulb goes out after hitting the wire.

Around twelve o'clock, i.e. roughly halfway through the firing exercises, there is a break for lunch, to rest, to gather strength for the next shooting and to evaluate the novelties on display. In addition to us, a few other companies also came to show their goods. Among other things, hand and weapon flashlights, night vision devices and other accessories were on display. It's starting to rain heavily but nobody seems to mind and everyone is ready to shoot their way to the end of the competition.

In addition to the demonstration of our products, we were able to participate in the competition in the Guest category, where our colleague and former member of the 601st Special Forces Group Prostějov, Petr Marek, took 2nd place in teams and 3rd place among individuals. In addition to the fact that Petr is a professional with many years of experience, he uses JKN mounts when shooting, thanks to which he maintains stable performances and reaps success in shooting competitions.

I would like to congratulate all the shooters and at the same time thank the organizers and everyone else who participated in this event. Despite the bad weather, it was a really unexpected and pleasant experience for me. Sharing opinions with professionals across departments is beneficial not only for me, but for the entire JKN.


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